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Okay, views on “I’m not a feminist but I am an equalist”.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sudiptaaaa
5 replies

In my opinion, I think that they dont quite actually know what the EXACT definition of feminism is because it is all about equality. I think that it has always been like that and still is, but there are a lot of feminists that take it too far and are just downright not being feminists anymore, so I think people are looking at that and calling themselves equalists

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ikr, they’re so frustrating and once again try to take down women at any chance they get

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sudiptaaaa

Sudiptaa @sudiptaaaa

I mean do they really know the meaning of feminism!? The main motive is wanting equality


It is funny really. Feminism is not about being superior to men, it IS about equality.
they seriously need to know what feminism really mean!!


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