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Okay so um I live with my best friend, we haven’t known each other since a long time but she means everything to me. She started dating this guy recently and they got serious, but the issue is I have caught feelings for this guy as well, at first I thought this is just some silly crush but as the time passed I realise I might love the guy. I know this is a horrible thing, I love my best friend and I wouldn’t want to hurt her but it was impossible to escape, since we live together he would always be at our apartment. But I repressed my feelings because I knew they were wrong. But a few days back they broke up, she has blocked him for everywhere and he isn’t trying to contact her as well, but he talks to me. I’m suddenly filled with desires that I don’t wanna think about. I really wanna tell him how I feel. I don’t know what to do.

2 replies

I think its natural to catch feelings for someone there’s nothing wrong in it but since he was your best friends boyfriend it can get little weird. But as you said they have broke up few days back so my suggestion will be first talk to your best friend about her feelings how she’s handling the break up…know the reason they break up you might find some imp facts about the guy…if your friend is okay with the whole situation if she’s handling it well then go ahead and share your feelings with her see how she reacts and what is her opinion about it and if she is positive about all of this go ahead and confess your feelings to the guy! But never go behind your friend’s back if you consider her as your best friend! Have a great day hope you find the right way ❤


I think genuinely the best thing to do right now is have an honest conversation with your best friend and the guy you like. It’s hard but it’s even harder having repressed feelings and having to walk around eggshells everyday. It takes so much of courage to be honest and yes your best friend might be mad for sometime but she’ll be happy that you were honest with her, you’ll feel less guilty also and get some clarity on what you want to do about the suitation. Hope this helps out


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