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Okay so the thing is my class is planning for a trek on this weekend. I got permission from my parents as well to go. But the thing is I’m way too scared of height like veryyy much… Ese i get ekdum bahot jayda scared… And idk what should I do… The trek which is going is of 2000m and it’s like going through waterfalls and all everything also I’m a alot scared that what if I slipped and something happens. Also I don’t walk much daily so don’t know what to do please help me out

5 replies

Do not miss this …it’s a great opportunity to face to fears and have some fun .


Yes even I wish to go but I’m way too scared and the group I’m having in my class none of them are coming coz their parents aren’t allowing and others are like scared but i really wish to go but getting scared of my thinking


Can i suggest you movie?.. It’s called YES MAN …you know how people say that everyone should know how to say ’ no ’ same goes for ’ yes ’ . Just do it for the experience , good or bad cause those will be the memories that’ll keep your life running in near future . Happy Journey btw✌️❤️

IloveTOtalk @ilovetotalk

U will regret if u skip the trip…just think it that way it makes you equal with everyone else who is going so you can have control on your fears…not going will just promote it

Suplex City @suplexcity

It’s a school trek so probably it’s gonna be safe and not too hard


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