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okay so I’m writing it all here I’m m19 and I’m suffering from a heart disease which I don’t know what is and my parents don’t know about it. I visited to a doctor he told me (on the basis of my symptoms) that i need immediate medical treatment. Now bcoz of our financial crisis im not able to perform those tests and treatment (dw im not gonna beg lol) and thatswhy i didn’t even tell my parents abt it and idk how they’ll react to this. They are already going thru a lot i don’t want them to worry abt me too. How to tell them and how to arrange fuckin money idek plus I’m living in a smol city so no part time or anything idk how to fix this.

14 replies
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i wanna let them know abt this but idk how coz my parents are also going thru a lot from couple of past years

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okay bro/sis thanks for your help, gonna tell them tonight

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tbh I don’t expect any solution from here i just need some courage to tell them abt my condition.

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tysm for your help bud, gonna tell them tonight fs


Just tell them… I know it’s a tough situation but u need to tell them. They are your parents. In future if your health got worse, they will suffer more. It’s better to tell them now.


yeah I guess you’re right.

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See like everyone is saying please let them know and be quick about it don’t make it worse. And for the financial tips they will do everything they can and if not they will and definitely find there way to make you better. And I’m happy that you understand your parents situation now and don’t want to be burdened on them but right now they are your pillar / support so don’t think like that you’ll be the burden on them. There are bunch of life insurance policy and all, but as soon as you tell your parents they will arrange the money so get better and be like this the strong and sensible one so when you get better you can help them to repay that amount.


bro you literally guided me like a big brother tysm


Well I’m happy to hear that, so be a good girl and them, if they something to you like why didn’t you tell me sooner and all just tell them that you were afraid. And be quick about it. I don’t want to loose a happy and beautiful soul.


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