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okay so im a girl who has always liked guys,but since last year i started liking a girl in my class,im not really sure if i like her,like sometimes im sure that i like her but then other days i think that i don’t like her at all but at the same time that may not really be what i feel, idk if its just me trying to convince myself that i don’t like her or what, it would make sence to think that i like her bc im alway looking at her every single page of my diary is about her and how much i like her and me saying that i felt in love with her, but then after a long time when i read it again i just cringe and think that i dont really like her but idk it feels like everyday my feelings are dirfrent and idk if those are my feelings or what i want to think but im just really confused,sometimes i think im in love with her and i’ve never been so in love in my life,but then sometimes i just think that i don’t and i’ve been thinking about it for more than a year and the more i think about it the more confussed i am, i have already told one of my friends that i like her,but i just really don’t know anyways im sorry if this doesn’t make much sence im just confussed so idk how to explain it.

5 replies

It’s good that you see a positive behavior of a person and got attracted but you can’t call it love. It’s just like so stop focusing too much on her and stop being confuse it’s nothing don’t worry. It happens with everyone…


so i don’t like her?


Hi, it’s okay to be confused. It’s okay to not know how you feel for her. It’s okay to like someone of the same gender. It’s okay! I’m saying this because I don’t want you to feel that it’s wrong to someone of your same gender and it’s completely alright to explore the possibility. Give yourself time to figure this out, it’ll be a process and you’ll know.


Girl it’s only attraction and when you strongly attract to someone you don’t love or like them you only want their attributes in yourself you want to become like them like their intelligence their beauty the way the talk style or anything after some years you get attract to someone else and it goes on in different stages of life it’s totally normal no worry girl just keep focusing on your own growth and make yourself the best be a good example for others best of luck 🧡


but i don’t want to be like her,i want to be with her i think like im not sure but i don’t think i want to be like her like i know the feeling of wanting to be like someone,there has been girls who i thought were really pretty and i thought i wanted to look and act like tham but this time is a diffrent feeling i admire her way more than all those other girls and i never thought on wanting to be like her at all,bc there’s only one of her and that’s why i like her i always wanted to get close to her even if it was just as friends cuz i new that was all that could happen,but i did that bc i wanted to spend time with her not being like her,idk if im explaining myself is weird and i never felt it with anyone before so that’s why is confusing to me but again i rlly don’t know, but anyways if i don’t like her then how does it feel to actually like someone? cuz im not sure and that’s why it is comfusing now,cuz i had a lot of guys i said i liked before but i didn’t think much on whether i liked them or not,and why i did or how i felt about them so i just don’t know,like i guess i liked them but i just don’t know how do you know if you like someone.
anyway thank you so much for the advice,im still really confused but it was still kinda helpful .


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