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Okay so I feel pretty clueless, my MBA degree is making no sense to me. I’ve suppressed my passion for baking long enough but I just feel like I’m in the middle of too much to even give it a shot. but each passing day seems more pointless than the last. I don’t want to put more burden on my parents especially when I can get a decent job and get settled soon. Feeling stuck. Some advice would b great

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel
7 replies

Abha @abha

I feel once in your life, you should leave everything and go after your passion. Risk it. Atleast later in life you won’t regret that you didn’t try. Better an oops than a what if.

Gaurvi Narang @gaurvinaran...

I don’t know what steps you should take. BUt just never quit baking.

Rashmi @rashmimalhotra

Maybe you can continue doing baking bc you love it . Work hard to do what you love.


Sometimes, a risk is worth it. You have to live your life for yourself. Go after your passion because I feel like if you love what you do, it always works out. And also, it’s great that you’ve found something that you love doing & are passionate about in the first place because it takes people a long time to realise what they actually like.


Had been there , failed many times but the only honest advise I can give you is … there are two things in life need and want , and MBA degree is a tool to job and job gives you money … I.e. helps you to be independent and experiment things along with this on Saturday n sunday pursue your passion and launch your brand … this will give you feeling of completeness … and if your startup works and does well you can always kick that money making job ( do checkout Decakery story a employee / girl from gurugram who launched her cake startup in late 20s and now rules it ) … do rush too fast … job + passion perfect combo
Because  " Startup do fail "

Profile picture for Now&Me member @simranpatel

Simran Patel @simranpatel

Use your MBA to hone your entrepreneurial skills and start a commercial baking business!


Bake hoomannn bake!!!


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