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Profile picture for Now&Me member @daisyblah

Okay so here is how my day went.
So i always try to feed and look out for the stray dogs around me.
Like as much as i can. I literally can not see anyone in pain and always blame myself if i don’t do anything about it.
So in this progress i keep bringing different puppies or dogs to my father if i see them in pain. My father sometimes gets angry and ask to focus on my studies
But my mom doesn’t like it at all. Even if someone says that I’m doing so much for dogs she takes it as a taunt and start scolding me.
Today was a day like this as well. I bring a puppy. Papa treated him. I asked one of my friend to go with me but her mom called my mom and said no. .
So mom became hella angry and yelled at me again and again. She is a good person she loves me .
But why doesn’t she understand me sometimes and she says the meanest things someone can.
Anyways i already saw this coming. O cried and got yelled but puppy got saved.
Totally worth it😁

Anyways i hope you guys are doing well. Go and drink some water. Nowww. Eat well and don’t stay up late. Sleep well okay
So i am doing it for past 2 years and it has become quite a big family.

So three days ago i got a call from my neighbor that some puppy is crying at their door. I rushed their and saw that there was a 3 month old puppy whom i know from other street and the doggies of my street were barking at him and beating him. The puppy was like too much horrified. I had to leave him to his place so that he could be safe but he even tried to bit me twice.
After shooing all other dogs away for almost 1 hours. I somehow took him in a bag and left him
But then i noticed that there was something wrong. H

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daisyblah
3 replies

Hey Daisy,

Can you complete your post? What did you notice was wrong?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daisyblah

When i reached there i saw some mucus and blood coming out of his anus. So almost an inch of his anus have come out. I think it’s called rectal prolapse. I don’t know what caused that. But when i told my father about it. He told me that if we won’t treat them he will die.
After that incident i couldn’t take him to hospital cause like something keep happening. But then i was like fuck it. And made my dad treat him😁. So this is what happened.


Take a bow! You’re a hero to the inexpressible community.

Keep doing the good work inspite of all the people saying you shouldn’t be doing this. ❤️


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