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Okay so 2021 is kind of the worst year of my life i found myself so broken and now i just don’t know am i good person or not
I’m going to make something out of my life or not

Am i going to find some good people who genuinely care for me
Why this world is so mean or i’m
I’m feeling like my head is going to explode
I’m feeing depressed and anxious all the time

8 replies

What kinda bond you want with that genuine person you looking for ???


Group of friends who are genuine … not looking for anything special like boyfriend bcoz recently i had a breakup n the bond was quite strong and and long term so i’m having trust issues with everyone around me


Oh sorry to hear about breakup i hope you heal soon

If you want can be a good listner and a talk to buddy we can connect. I am 27 yr old guy this side.


Firstly, you are a great person. Do not think so low of yourself.
You can’t grow without going through miserable times. Everything happens for a reason. You will come out of this stronger!
Just focus on yourself, do your work/studies, make yourself better and the right people will surely come into your life. Just take it slow and one day at a time.
Things will fall into place super soon. Keep your thoughts positive :)
Sending tons of good vibes your way!!


Thank you so much
But i have tried everything literally everything therapy …cried for months ….everything …not feeling good happy every time i found myself on bed scrolling phone or watching Netflix n then this guilt hit me that u wasted so much time today again…


Trust me, I am in the same boat since May 2021. I have tried it all too but it just ain’t happening, but we gotta be strong and do it for ourselves. Try doing just 1 or 2 tasks a day (I am trying too) and you know it feels good.


Okay i’ll try my best
Thank you so much n please do take care of yourself… u are really a nice person❤️❤️


Thank you so much


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