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Okay rant time…i dated my bestf. Not a good descision, felt good at the time. My bestf is the perfect guy one can have in a life. But with perfection comes some bad traits and they were okay when we were bestf tbh but in a relationship ig it went to another level. Getting jealous of each and every thing, each and every human being…

i am the person you doesn’t get in a rltn but I got in one with him because I felt like it would work because it’s him…and when you haven’t been in a rltn you have the experience of what it’s like to be free…what it’s like to flirt with diff people without feeling concerned…but suddenly it all just when to why you talking to him why he texting why he sent a heart emoji…this thing really got in my head and so i broke up. (Just a month after rltn) i mean it’s better to broke up early right than stretching it out and waiting for the friendship to end. I can’t do that.

Now as we’re bestf it doesn’t feel the same…i can’t tell him about any guy because he’ll get jealous. Whenever he tells me about a girl, i feel weird not weird but like oh you’ve a girl type thingy goes in my head. Idk I DON’T KNOW

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

Welp this is tough, things will be awkward but if thats your bestfriend try to be honest. Yes, things will feel different after everything, maybe your bff probably still have some feelings there.


Hoping for the best :)

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Can’t, he’s my bestf

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