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Okay, let me start from the beginning. In the beginning of the year I decided to take 2 AP courses - I guess it was to compete with another kid in my class. Months later its April, and I’m 3 weeks behind in my course, as well as my other subjects. The kid I was competing with is right on track, lucky suck-up.
I’m given the option to do the AP test in 2.5. weeks (which will be in person), or June(which will be online). I’m scared and I’m not sure which option to pick, will the online test be harder? The lucky suck-up is also debating what to do, but he’s one of the few right on track - so honestly I think he will do fine.
I’m just worried about myself right now. I don’t want to disappoint my parents, and the pressure does not seem to be getting to me? I don’t know, I just feel numb; like an outsider. I have been working hard all year, and the previous summer I took a summer course, so I really haven’t had any breaks throughout the year. I’m not trying to boast, but I mean after all of this I just feel empty and burnt out. I don’t think the tone of this message really weights the urgency (would that be the right word?) of the situation?
I don’t know how to deal with my emotions (because it feels like I have none) or what date I should choose to take the AP course. What do you guys think?

2 replies

Whats ap?


an ap = an Advanced Placement class


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