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Okay I just joined this site not too long to express myself cause I don’t want to post it on any social media app

But why does a lady you claim to be your girlfriend post pictures of some other guys …and when I do ask her who the person is , she replies with ‘somebody I know’

This is someone I really love and would make her my wife ,but I’m just lost if I’m being played or something. A friend said I should keep a blind eye till when I catch her red handed in any cheating act …

I’m just lost and I’m weak at this point … does love really exist

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anony7
9 replies

Love do exists my friend❤️ Have you tried to clear things up like why don’t she tell you about those guys?


I’ve asked but she keeps saying ‘it’s somebody I know’… I hate stressing someone to give me details,but I just feel something is wrong somewhere


Just tell her about all your insecurities bro and tell her what’s inside your head I hope she’ll understand

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anony7

I don’t think you should keep a eye on her. You gotta trust her. There are possibilities that she might be cheating but if she wasn’t that would break her apart. What you can just do is explain her how you feel and confess your feelings.


Been through something similar. She is cheating on you bro. If she can’t give you details about the guys she is posting pictures with there is definitely something fishy.
Accept it and get over it cause sooner or later this will end.


Trust me this is not gonna work,youll be in soup at the end,saying with experience


Brother communication is the key. Try to know why she does what she does and why she doesn’t tell you. Pay attention when she talks and don’t be judgmental at all.


Trust me…she isn’t cheating on you. If she really is cheating behind your back she would never post pics of the other guys cause if she is cheating behind you back she would never wanted you to know about it. It might be sometimes our insecurity that makes us feel like that. In a true relationship jealousy is common. All you need to do is take a deep breath and share everything you feel that is wrong. At some or other point she will open up andtell you about it.



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