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Okay, how come people around me have so called “best friends” when I have none to share how I’m feeling. How do people make friends these days, cz somehow nothing works for me, people connect saying they want to be friends while having feelings. I’m sick of it. I just need genuine friendship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user
Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user

All are not the same, if want talk Iam in


That sounds good 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @illu

it @illu

Reminded of past present and future


Most people dont have friends , that’s why they are here on this app




Are u talking about this platform?


Nope… I’m talking about other social media platforms and also IRL


See every one have different mindsets and different way to approach for the things and you have of our own , you too can have a best friend but for that you have trust the process so let’s connect and see if we can be best friends…


Hmmm that’s reasonable. But I’m talking about actually about being friends without being biased. It might also have been a case where I met most of “not so right people”.

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Ohh then you have met the wrong persons till now😅not the correct person who you are replying on the comment 😂

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I’m not talking about the platform I’m talking about the people




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