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Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity

Sheza Sajid @escapevelocit...

Ok so today was supposed to be the first day of school I didnt go cause Im down with fever I had soo many things planned on notion with my workout manifestations study schedule and everything So I stayed up till 2 and couldnt go now I just feel terrible cause I didnt do what I had planned this isnt a terrific start to my that girl routine and on top of it all I have a mother whos very much rubbing it in my face that Im supposed to attend class and start studying I know I have to I just missed the whole timing and now my day feels super stupid and I dont even have the energy to get I HATE THIS

Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_mahii
Profile picture for Now&Me member @escapevelocity
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @its_mahii

Lisa @its_mahii


Hey Relax babe, It’s okay to feel shitt somedays, If everything would go as planned life would be monotonous and boring, so you lucky you had a bit drama due to your health and home problems!!! There’s alwayyys another day to start it off!!! Sooooo don’t just sit sad, enjoy some drama and try next day onwards😁✌🏻


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