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Babypowder @babypower

Ok so this might controversial but… hating men isn’t feminism. Shaming men for being short or not being strong isn’t feminism. Trying to one up each other isn’t feminism. We’re trying to be equal guys, not shame each other. Also, men should be respected too. Touching men without their consent is just as bad. Men have feelings too and we should respect them. This goes both ways.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @coolsubari
13 replies

Thanks a lot finally someone who understands


no, it is not. this version of feminism is used by anti-feminists as a weapon, feminism believes in empowerment of women but not disparage men, it just acknowledges the existing social realities which are ofcourse partiarchal but doesn’t trivialise the struggle sections of men face.

Rang Wrock @lilacamethyst

Ofc it is! Feminism is none of those things! Feminism stands for equality

Babypowder @babypower

I’m not trying to say that all feminists are like this guys. I’m just saying that people who believe putting people down is feminism are wrong

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13

Prabhakar M N @mnpsatan13

True that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @coolsubari

Shwethambari @coolsubari

I second it

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