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Ok so there are 6 main ppl in this thing, let’s name them , Seth, Adam, Seira, Elena. Jessica and Talia, we are all in the same friend group ( talia and I were best friends but we had problems and so we decide to just be on good terms, she is a very. I’ve person though). So 1 year ago me and Seth kinda had a talking stage and he asked me out, the next day which was also my bday, he broke up with me cuz he didn’t think this would work. All my friends were with him and called me to call Seth and check up on him cuz he was sad cuz he thought he “broke” my heart. But I was fine like actually cuz it wasn’t serious, but what hurt me was none of my friends really even asked me if I was okay, and Elena who I was closest to in the friend group (currently my best friend) didn’t check up on me, I guess a part of me was glad because no one brought this up much or took it seriously and that was good. So now me and Adam were kind of close like actual friends kinda close even before this but some shit happened when Jessica joined the group and like we lost touch. Seth moved to another school too, the friend group fell apart.
2 years before, Seth dated Seira but 3 months later Seira broke up with him cuz she didn’t feel happy in the relationship and was starting catch feelings for Adam cuz Seth was always busy to be with her. Ever since then I guess seth has this way of openly asking ppl like “hey would u date me or Adam?” Or like bring Adam down in front of girls. Like 1 week ago when we were just talking Seth publicly body shamed Adam. And I was just too shocked to even speak and I have never felt that guilty in my entire life, I regretted my actions SO fucking badly. Seth is just the type of person who makes ppl uncomfortable with like dirty jokes, like that’s all he thinks about. But he wasn’t in our school so I wasn’t that close to him. Me and Adam kinda-kinda grew apart over the year since the friend group broke up even though we were friends before. But for the past few days we have gotten closer again and like I can’t help but deny the tiny attraction I feel towards him, not just looks, like I can’t point out the exact reason why I feel this towards him. Adam has this close friend let’s name him Alan, so basically alan likes me and well I don’t really like him back. So I went and told my best friend Elena, and talia about my thing towards Adam, talia told me it was okay to feel these things and that she supports me, but also that like I kinda had a thing with his like close friend Seth. When I told Elena she completely disagreed and these were her reasons, 1. I had a thing with seth (which really was not that serious), 2. Adam’s close friend Alan likes me, I just don’t understand the second one, she still keeps telling that this is just a bad decision. And I feel like they are right about the first reason. Me and Adam probably could be something, I mean I really don’t know if he even sees me like that, he is chill but also like introverted and I am very extroverted, complete opposites, ppl sometimes tease us both but I just feel like everyone just expects us to be in a “just friends” Stagec and do nothing more. I just realllly don’t know what to do.

2 replies

I’m just confused haha


Me toooo :(


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