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Ok so my sexual orientation may be changing. I’m an 18 year old male still in high school and have always felt gay until recently. I know sexuality is fluid and stuff but I want to stay attracted to guys. Now after thinking hard about it I’m not uncomfortable with being in a relationship with a woman now. But the attraction to men is still there, but pretty low. Also I have emotional numbness and can’t really feel anything and I don’t feel love. Am I bisexual or was me being gay a phase? I can’t stop thinking about this please help

4 replies

You’re Bi 100%


I would say you’re bi but what I’m saying doesn’t matter because it’s your sexuality. As you said, sexuality is fluid. So being gay was never a phase, just a small part of it maybe. Don’t stress over the lable. It doesn’t matter what you identify as. If gay is a lable you’ve always known and are comfortable with, use that. But if you want to explore a bit more and try using something new, then you can identify as bi.


I think there nothing wrong in being attracted toward same gender ,what I personally believe that do what makes you happy because that’s really matters being self happy is the greatest pleasure in the world.


You don’t have to label until you’re certain! Good luck :)


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