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Okā€¦ so im in love
with thisā€¦guy he was my bestfriend at firstā€¦ i proposed him he was like what- then again i said yes its true he said tell this to ur crushā€¦ i said that yes or noā€¦? He saidā€¦ why are u asking thatā€¦ and then i said againā€¦ he said ok i like u too ā€¦! He alsoā€¦ promised so i believe he loves meā€¦ and then after some daysā€¦ we had a fight then I didnā€™t talked to him for 1 day then he was sad so i just msged him cuz i canā€™t controlā€¦ myself then everything is alright. But he hasnā€™t introduced me toā€¦ his friendsā€¦he says his friends will tease him and call him by my name and alsoā€¦ when i say i love uā€¦sometimes he be like how many times u have to say that šŸ™„ ā€¦kinda hurtsā€¦ but then i thinkā€¦ itā€™s alrightā€¦ np! I pray for himā€¦ everyday and give him time i havenā€™t heard his voice yetā€¦ he said he wants to keep everything ā€¦ secretā€¦ i said ok i still love uā€¦ and today im not in goodā€¦ mood he just said that im onlyā€¦ his bestfriend it hurtsā€¦ sometimes he says im gf and sometimes bestfriendā€¦and alsoā€¦ he is notā€¦rich and he is uglyā€¦ but for me he is perfect i hv so manyā€¦ reasons to leave him but i still stayā€¦ because i love him and my feels donā€™t fade away idk whyā€¦ and im 14 and he is 15ā€¦

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I just feel like i shouldnā€™tā€¦hv any expectations and keepā€¦loving him because I canā€™tā€¦ forgetting is seriously hardā€¦ he is nice alsoā€¦ sometimes and sometimesā€¦ not and thats okayā€¦ i guessā€¦

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