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Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse

ok so im a lesbian but im not out to my parents and i don’t know how to come out to them, any suggestions?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baris
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @baris

Dweep @baris


Is it a very big deal in your family if you lesbian, or are there any family relatives of yours?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse


I have some relatives that are lgbtq+ one of which is my stepbrother but when he came out to my stepmom she seemed to question him about it alot and it was rly weird for him. my parents are allies so they’d prob be supportive but would prob also be skeptical of it and question me abt it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baris

Dweep @baris


Does your step brother know about you, if he does he can easily guide in which way to tell your parents to avoid the weird conversations and letting them know as well

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse


yea he does but he’s younger than me and from the convo’s we’ve had he doesn’t seem to know how to navigate it either

//healer// @anjalii


It’s very important that you are completely okay with what you are!!
Secondly, just prepare yourself for the right time… Time plays a vital role in any type of communication. Take your time and know what and how to speak. I think you know your parents better than anyone else, therefore the answer is within you my girl.
All the best.

//healer// @anjalii


And if you want we can connect and discuss about whatever you feel. I am always there.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lily_reisse

harley @lily_reisse


aww ty

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//healer// @anjalii


Hey let’s not make it controversial. It was just a friendly suggestion. I am sorry if you felt bad about it:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @baris

Dweep @baris


No no I didn’t feel bad or anything, i deleted cuz what you told made more sense, so instead of confusing her i just felt right to delete it.


Firstly, give some hints and point out some movies and series… See their thoughts and if it seems positive then… Proceed further…


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