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Ok so I’m a guy and in relationship from 1.5 it’s really pretty good relationship but the thing is I don’t like any guy like a single guy as well near my gf not even her frnd or anyone from work or collegeau… Is this okay I just want to be the only guy around him no one else… Is this okay?

7 replies

Over posessiveness ruins beautiful bond. Keep that in your mind. Let her breathe.


I’m introvert and she is extrovert and has male frnds but i don’t like any guy around him even if she talks with any guy I don’t like it… I do trust her and she is way too loyal but i just don’t like guys near her


Same thing with my ex bf, no offence but when guys like you gets to talk to another girl, they starts to play the game. My ex didn’t like any male friends near me but when he got a female friend he started to text her without my knowledge, sharing all our personal stuff with her…he told me she is his friend…funny she is now his girlfriend.


But i really care for her and doesn’t want to lose her any how she is friendly with everyone but i don’t like it

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