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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Aakifah @kifah

Ok so I stared dieting to lose weight not because I think I should but because everyone keeps taunting me and saying I am fat but I am not fat I am the right weight according to my height and I love the way I am but no one else does so yah I starved myself yesterday and was doing that today too until this wave of depression hit now I am sitting with ramen n drinks around me why am I like this brooooooooo like let me just die in peace

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @gautam04
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Aakifah @kifah



People gonna rant. They gonna tell you this and that. But you must not give an ear to them. Let them say what they want , it’s your life , you decide what you do. **** them.

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Lavander @catlover_meow

You love urself and ur body then that’s it. Don’t go out and listen to world because someone will be there to criticize you about something. Don’t try to satisfy world. Satisfy urself. Love urself.


Liten frnd , the same happens with but for the opposite I have a skinny body and from as far as I remember till the date everyone always keep tuantinh about my body like don’t get any food to eat or like, how skinny you are that is not good eat something and all like that. But realized they are not gonna stop so what you can do is love yourself , do what you want to do with yourself. If you want lose weight and have different body shape then do but if you don’t then it’s oky people gonna always keep nudge you without looking at themselfe and once your satrt loving yourself, your body your everything , this will boost your confidence and those words can not make that much affect on you . Once you start loving yourself, then you will start ignoring their words or just reply with confidence and also you can ignore then as yhe phrase say , keep silent in front of fool so be yourself and love yourself

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Gautam Shah @gautam04

Hello guys I’ opened new I’d so u should all guys support me 😊❤️


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