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Ok so i liked this girl. I was really thinking of asking her out one day. The things about relationships to me is i really want to take it seriously, as my first and second did not go well. So i took quite some time thinking if i would want her forever. I did something real wrong, fantasising of her with me… that is not wise i know, but i was somewhat confident of her having feelings for me too, or else i would not be thinking about her. But somehow it the time i took was a little too long. One of my friend made the move. Well he just likes going out with girls and see if he has a chance. Well i dont wanna be embarrassing myself so i chose to let go and it was not easy. It felt so much like a breakup even though it did not exist. I’ve gotten over it already but when my friend just talks about her or something related, i get a real bad emotional breakdown… what can i do? Some part of me wants her badly but i could’t. Just heard news of them getting together soon… i just cant accept the fact and it is harsh on me. Help please😫

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kira
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kira

Kira Barker @kira


Hi love. my name is Kira and I 100% know how you feel. It is very hard but the best thing to do is to be happy for them and just try to be friends with her. if u cant go out with her the second best is to be really good friends with her. talk to her and listen to her and then be the first person there if something happened with the relationship. she needs to be able to put her trust in you so if she can do that you have a very large chance. as for how to deal with the pain until then there are many ways. You could try not to think about her or try to think of someone else. or you could just try to do something to take your mind off her. or I have an idea, every time you think about wanting to talk to her or message her message me instead. you can tell me everything you wanted to tell her and just pretend it’s her. it isn’t a permanent fix but it will temporarily help. but it’s completely your choice. let me know if u would want to do that.


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