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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tasheena

Tasheena @tasheena

Ok so I just started college like two weeks ago and I’m a freshman. I already spent all the cash I had on stupid clothes and nicotine. I already feel like not wanting to do my homework and to be motivated to study. I also had a really bad pregnancy scare, and this has put a lot of stress and tiredness on my body. I was so excited to move away and go to college. This is my dream and I want to be a therapist and help others. I don’t know how to be more motivated and I feel like my phone is controlling me. Idk I’m not sad or angry I’m just lost and need to find my way back to my focus.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kush7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tasheena
11 replies

Ugly @amarkaur

you first need to be a therapist for yourself here.
do chanting(that helps greatly)
read bhagwad geeta or go to iskcon.
just follow regulative principles as stated in vedic Scriptures everything with start to work and to much greater extent

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tasheena

Tasheena @tasheena

Thank you I have been going to church and still want to and I am considering going to our free counseling but I don’t how I’ll make the time for it with all my homework and test studying.

Ugly @amarkaur

hear vanimedia srila prabhupad’s lectures. if everything else is unavailable or you are lazy or stressed to reach out to

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kush7

•~®kush💙 @kush7

Is not my thing to ask but you wrote pregnancy . What does that mean ? Are you married ?
And i am too fresher i started my college life today . It was really boring . I had no class . I was just wondering around the whole place 🤧 like a lost child .
I am feeling so pathetic 🤧 whenever I see girls i always dream about making gf but it’s not possible . 😗.
No matter what I do i am cursed to stay alone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tasheena

Tasheena @tasheena

Yeah I did say pregnancy, and I’m not married I have a bf and I’m 18 so I’m not ready to get married anytime soon. But don’t worry everyone has a someone. I would know bc I’ve been in your place at being alone for a long time. And eventually my bf just kinda wondered in my direction.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kush7

•~®kush💙 @kush7

Amazing 🙃💔. I appreciate whatever you said and my hunch was right. But it’s your life and your rules.
Our age is same but we are really going through different Phase of life .

Mentu Kotad @mentu


Mentu Kotad @mentu



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