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Ok so i have a very loving and an protective father. My father has very strong political views and cannot stand being wrong abt it and wouldn’t mind or find it wrong to demean someone really badly if they do not support his point of view irrespective of their age and gender or even relation. He uses derogatory, aggressive and abusive language to demean a political party or a person. He does that every single day which affects me and my mother (especially during the lockdown) We have often tried to made him understand but his behavior continues after a few days. It has happened that once we try to correct him he either takes it lightly and changes the topic or when we seriously complain to him abt his behavior or how it is affecting us he gets really really defensive ( aggressive and shouts) and stops talking to us for a few days ; i understand that it is abt his male ego,(for other matters he is ready to quietly listen to me even if give him a firing 😂😅). How do i not get affected by this . I really don’t care abt that politician but he goes on and on and on with everyone he meets while using the same type of language . I just dont want to get affected by it at all.

4 replies

Wait, my father is the same. He brings up that politician and that party in any conversation, in conversations that were not remotely related to politics. Its annoying, because first of all he is not gonna do anything about it, its not like he can get out and change the country or something then why just keep on cribbing like a baby on the same thing. Even the abusive language ,and even my father brings it up with everyone he talks to. I have told him so many times that you are obsessed with this that politician and party, i want you to spend a day without mentioning them. Just show me that you can. Obviousy he wont take up that challenge. Its mad annoying. He is short tempered too so you cant disagree with him or else you are the bad guy too.

Now here’s what i do. I just simply have totally stopped responding or reacting to any kind of hate that he spews for that political party or political leader. I just dont say anything. He hasn’t gotten the hint yet, and still continues his ways, but i mean if we dont respond, me and my mother, that will atleast shorten the conversation.

And believe me i love discussing politics and it just hurts me that I can’t with my father because of his stupid ideas and biased, irrational, imposing opinions.

So bottom line, dont respond at all. Just nothing. Not even a ‘hmm’. And hopefully yours gets the hint.


Thank u so much I will try that. I hope it helps 🤞
Even I love to discuss politics other but I can’t do it with him without it affecting my mental health. And I know him enough to know that his attitude is not gonna change. The use of cuss words really gets to me


I’m having the same problem but try to understand what triggers him the most and avoid Doing that. And try to talk to him about anything but political…hope it helps


Just try with your father to change those abusive words to some object… anything like juta,chappal or anything which sound funny…worked in my case…


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