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Now since women are getting all the things they want, aren’t they abusing it? They have become selfish, in some cases their own parents are suffering, its not about what they want its about how they do it. They play games, use others perhaps dirty games.
Honestly all the recent experiences I have seen, encountered, read is just making a bad image for them which Is not what I want.
I don’t understand why am falling so low! It is totally fucked up scenario

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That was a long paragraph of nonsense! Please go to a therapist you need help… I’m serious.


When you will encounter such nonsense, you will also find yourself having hatred against the female race. It’s not like I don’t respect them but the way they treat is destructing


You wouldn’t be here without “the female race”, the language of ignorant is generalization …


Women are also humans
They can also be selfish
The people you encountered could have been like that

Don’t generalise it


wow this is the most ignorant, misogynistic thing i’ve read. as a girl, i’m not saying we’re all perfect because we’re not, no one is. however, clearly you find them intimidating and can’t handle it. maybe get some help


This is not gender specific… this is about a human behavior whether it’s a boy or girl… so do not just talk about girls here…
And trust me no body gave us any right or things…we are uplifting each other… you are not doing anything for us…we know what is right and what is wrong… we know what rights do we have…

Maybe you had a different experience in your life with women…but this has nothing to do with all women… if a man does anything wrong to us… we don’t talk about all men…


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