Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Now&Me 2.0 is finally here!♥️
What do you all think about it? Do let me know down below⬇️

Will be looking forward to hear your thoughts!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mehersingh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous123123
Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta
6 replies

This is my first time on this site but it looks really awesome
first site like this that makes me feel comfortable.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Hello Angelixca!
I am really glad that Now&Me made you feel comfortable.
Thank you so much for your kind words!♥️

Since it’s your first time on the site, do try posting your thoughts here!
Would love to hear more about your experience on Now&Me♥️

Stay safe and take care :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mehersingh

Meher Singh @mehersingh

I love the new site! I’ve just been browsing through it and it looks really professional. There are many new features that I particularly like, such as being able to put multiple tags on our post and even edit it later. I must say, I’m really impressed by Now&Me 2.0 😏

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

Hey Meher, I am so glad you love the new site. Thank you so much♥️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anonymous123123

Ritu @anonymous123123

I’ve been here for the very first time…I’m very much thankful to you guys for this initiative…it’s helping me a lot…❤💙 And can i express my feelings in some kind of letter??? THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

I am so happy reading this, you just made my daaayyyy @anonymous123123 ♥️
I am so grateful that you liked the experience here on Now&Me!
I would really love to know more about what you think and feel about Now&Me so you can:
1) Post a thought (as long as you want) expressing your feelings and I’ll be sure to read it :)
2) You can also send me an email on if you wish to♥️
I’ll be happy to hear about what you like, what you don’t like and what other features you would want Now&Me to have. Will be looking forward to hearing from you! :)
And once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for writing this message to me♥️


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