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Note: I am a psychologist.

On Monday, one of my clients messaged me thanking me for how I transformed and saved his life. On Tuesday, I got fired.

I had been working with a company for the past 1 year and 6 months. According to my supervisor, I was one of her most sincere and compliant mentees. My clients were always happy with me, I had good scores, everything was perfect until the last couple of months. I started to feel monotony (WFH), I started to work less and less but pulled through. Side by side I was planning to go abroad which happened and I finally filed for resignation last month and started my notice period. I started to slack off, I started to hate work but never let it ruin my relationship with my clients or my supervisor. Since it was WFH, everything was monitored and my slacking off came to their notice. I got an email enlisting my disciplinary issues and immediate termination. As I finished reading the email, I saw I was logged out and could not access my schedule. Messages of appointment cancellations started to pour in.

I couldn’t stop crying. I feel like a fraud, a failure, I don’t recognise myself. I jeopardised my standing with the supervisor and rest of the team. I took advantage of their niceness to me. I started to resent work and let it show. I take accountability of it, it’s all my fault. I don’t even know why I am venting. I feel like I failed myself, people who believed in me, everyone. I don’t know how to deal with this. I feel embarrassed to even show my face to anyone. I feel like I have failed. I am going abroad in 10 days and I feel like I don’t deserve it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
23 replies

kd @kdd

It’s okay. Learn your lesson and don’t repeat your mistakes. Talk to your supervisor, apologize and tell him how you’re feeling about this. Shit happens. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. :)


I did talk to her. Apologised multiple times, explained my part. I apologied to the team as well. I still feel guilty, and like I don’t deserve to go abroad or be happy etc.

kd @kdd

It’s alright. You apologized and now it’s up to them whether they accept your apology or not. You can’t control others, no? Agreed, it might not be the best of the memories to leave with but let it go now.


Yeah. Thank you for the support


So sorry to know that you got fired.
As said by someone here you learn from your mistakes. I guess it happens with people that sometimes when things get monotonous you do not have that strength or enthusiasm to do that work.
I feel currently I am in the same phase where I am at work but I’ll just waste time and pile up the work. It’s a disadvantage for me only but idk I have been like this since some time.
And I think I feel why you were doing like that.
But hey I am so proud that it did not affect your client relationship I mean you did your best there which is the main thing.
It’s okay to feel like this and try not to blame yourself for this.
Wishing you all the best for your future.
Take care ❣️


Thank you for sharing your feelings about it. I’m so sorry you’re in this place and I hope you pull through. It is indeed difficult at times. I love my work but it did get monotonous. I tried to talk to my family about this but they didn’t understand. Only my sister did. Thank you for understanding.


Happy you have a sister who understands you! ✌️
Also I started therapy recently so I hope it’ll help me get through this. 😅


I hope it does. More power to you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

So miss psychologist,

It’s okay to do someone wrong in life. It’s fine.
Sometimes it’s important to fail to learn something new, so it’s not a matter of feeling guilty.
You did it wrong, yes.
But you should blame yourself, no.
We all are humans, and we do mistakes. It’s not that big deal so that you just leave yourself crying all the time and curse yourself for that and blame yourself. Chill.
Sometimes when we follow same schedule, we just want to get out of that cycle. We feel bored, even if we are doing our best. Sometimes we want to just walk away to live our dream life. And when we are close to that dream life, we want to imagine that. Itna ki hum bhul hi jate hain humari current life ko. So it’s normal. Stop blaming yourself and look forward to your upcoming life. But yes I think you should write an apology email or call to your superiors. Coz relation destroy karna is not s good thing to do.
And congratulations for your dream come true, hope you enjoy your trip to abroad 👍🏻✌🏻


Thank you for being so kind


Hey dear I’m so sorry to hear about ur condition I know it’s not good Whatever happened, whoever want to connect with u will find ways to connect again so don’t worry much ❤️ as doctor I can understand how much it means to connect with ppl who we heal take care dear :)


Thank you for understanding, you’re so kind.


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