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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Not that good really… I feel like everything is falling apart… and although I am 26 I don’t have a single person whom I could connect to at the moment … It is really sad… For the past few months I thought I was developing this special kind of bond with one of my coworkers but now I realize that I have been just daydreaming… Although I have graduated months before I haven’t still been able to find a proper job nor do I have an enough GPA to apply for higher studies…My parents want pay and send me abroad for higher studies … But I clearly know that it is really not that affordable for them , specially with my country collapsing at a rapid rate… I have a brother who needs special attention … I am the one who is supposed to take care of him… But in this country it is becoming more and more of a dream that could never become a reality … I feel like i am just worthless… That it might have been better if someone else was given for my family … so that they would have a better daughter , a better sister etc… I am at a worry about the times I have betrayed myself to make others feel good… The opportunities I have just let go, so that the others can have them(others who are more qualified than me, that’s what I have always thought )But now I realize that I have just been betraying myself all life long… in the name of being selfless… I regret this specific opportunity I had to better myself , which I didn’t take… I feel sad for my parents for not having a child that they could blindly rely upon… This person I mentioned earlier, who i thought I was having a special bond with, seems to have used me to make that person feel good, feel entertained … And even the thought of it makes me want to cut off all the connections I have with that person… But that person is a coworker of mine and I cannot do it… And I cant afford to resign from the job , knowing that a new job is never promised with the current situation of the country …

Wanted a shoulder to cry on… But found none… except this platform, to which I am thoroughly grateful for … Thank you… If you can send some help, advice my way , it would be warmly welcomed …

Thank you …

4 replies

Thank you for sharing and being brave and having the courage to type it all out.
I can resonate to you very much but I dint know what to say to you because I don’t know what to say to me. But I’m proud of you that you got a job ( tbh I haven’t even been able to do that) so don’t feel disheartened, this is a bad place you’re in and some people are assholes that use people especially vulnerable and empathetic people. So don’t let this bother you, keep your head high because it’s okay, you learnt a lesson to not trust people like these and take slow steps so you don’t get played. I’m learning too and it’s going to be hard, very hard and you’ll have to try everyday but remember you’re worth every effort and everything for yourself and no one can be your best friend better than you, I learnt that in such hard ways it just sucks I’m almost dead now just trying to gather the scarps left and make something of it or from it. So I don’t want you to feel like because you have been selfless, was a bad thing. It’s a wonderful thing. But you just gotta make sure it’s not someone misusing that about you but genuinely deserves your selflessness. I can’t be very precise or more elaborate here but I hope this makes a bit sense or is helpful and validating in some way to you
Check out Doctor Ramini on YouTube if you’d like more clarity or just go to reputed and sourced educational material on Google n all so you can understand all this more. I assure u it’ll blow your mind how what we think the world is, is so far or different from the reality and no matter how good we are sometimes goodness or nicness or stuff like this makes us vulnerable to suc people n experiences n what they really are.
I’m sure you’ll figure it out, best of wishes and peace and self assure for you


Thank you so much… I do not know whether you would get this message … But your words really made me feel a lot better… I cannot really explain in words how much of a difference it made… How it made my eyes wet… not with desperation and frustration this time , but with hope … Thank you… I hope you would really be blessed with more and more amazing things in life, because you truly deserve it …Please continue to heal the world with your caring words … World needs more of that …Take care of yourself … Thank youuuuuu


🌼🫂 thank you to you too so much for your kind words too.

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