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3am ThoughtsThought

Ronit Patel @ryan_

Not sleeping and not able to sleep are two different things.
Which is case for you?

9 replies

Over thinking make me not able to sleep and don’t want to sleep 😴

Ronit Patel @ryan_

Overthinking will not change situation 😔
Listen to music. Sleep well. Good night 🌉

Reyad Soliman @reyad

Ya but when it come it will never end dod it stugd there

Ronit Patel @ryan_

Yup it will not. Try to distract yourself bcz it won’t help either

Reyad Soliman @reyad

I will try man thanks ☺️


Not able to sleep because of excessive caffeine

Ronit Patel @ryan_

Caffeine at this time👀👀 .( Assuming Indian)
Exams or wat ?


Not able to sleeping due to overthinking 🤧


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