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Not feeling too gud…Post breakup thoughts…then exams from tomorrow…how to handle everything…feeling low from morning 😞

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spideynicks
Profile picture for Now&Me member @slh123
Profile picture for Now&Me member @cringeybug
6 replies

Just focus on your exam


You need to share your heart out to someone. Don’t bottle up the storms erupting in your heart, else it will explode. Stop overthinking, and fgs take good care of yourself please.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spideynicks

bin 147 @spideynicks

Post breakup blues… talk to someone new …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @slh123

Sree @slh123

Hey…just focus only on your exam…listen to some motivating music , move around, enjoy nature, come back & start studying…you 've to realize one thing that at the end of the day, only you & what you became in life matters!! Not the person that you are thinking about now…that person might not even think of you! See you are here thinking about that person & ruining your studies …pls dont do that…focus on studies & write the exam !! If you cant write well also it’s okay…just try to study something…you can score next time well…dont stress!!😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cringeybug

BUG @cringeybug

WHEN YOU LOSE OR LEAVE SOMEONE YOU ONLY SEE THEIR goodness rather than seeing their flaws…if you are meant to be together you will be and if you do not then move on and make yourself busy in your daily life and keep going.


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