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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva

Noises in my head.
I am feeling like sea, calm from outside and screaming voices from inside -( you are fat not doing anything for that, your friends are getting promoted, salary 12 lacs, and what am I a failed attempt to be a fashion stylist)-

And a constant thought of running away, away from everything somewhere where there is peace.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Ahh it is actually sad that u r going through all of this where u feel doubtful for your own self but look other believe in your vision when u are enough crazy to do things which maybe not worked that time but u still try because u believe in something and money is just a part of life like someone earns plenty of money but inside he or she felt those unpleasantness that makes them sad look see is calm and inside plenty of things happen but it also so much deeper too it have its own mysterious and in long run it can swallow all rivers that run on earth so dont think u r failed just believe there is plenty another ways to get which u still need to apply


Fashion stylist… wow thats great…! Your friends are getting promoted by doing a job, working under a person… but you are great… you are trying something new… standing on your own… that needs guts so yu must be a strong person…
And yu cant achieve in life unless yu fail first… and once you achieve… i bet you will earn more than them and be successful… dont compare your life with them… one day you will definitely succeed just keep working

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ayuva

Thanks for such positive thoughts 💥


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