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Nobody understands when you tell them your getting anxiety attacks… they say you’re mad or something wrong with your mindset ! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @findingnieros
7 replies

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

what if i could tell you that in most of those situations, you’re both right, and neither is offensive?


How are both right?

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

right, ur not happening to have any symptoms of it coming on now are you? directness tends to not go over well if anxiety is in action


No I’m not

Zak Puckett @ztothephour

okay, well the biggest problem with anxiety, is unless you’re a super sweater, its an invisible thing, even just a broken rib people forget is a real thing after 5 minutes, its … well kind of disappointing in peoples general awareness lol, but thats seperate. the mad/mindset thing is where it gets sensitive, cuz its not mad or crazy, but it is different than what the person saying that sees. anxiety itself (when diagnosed as imparing general life) is the body recognizing threats where there really arent any. agreeable so far?

Angelina Reyes @aseyer

Yes exactly it’s like in the moment no one understands the anxiety you are feeling and the thing is they are somewhat trying to help by trying to define the feeling with their own definition because they don’t feel like they can help you unless they know what you are feeling but it sometimes makes you feel worse for me I try to see as helpful and it helps .01% of the time but it nice to know someone is there for you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @findingnieros

klabyou @findingnieros

Mental health issue has been a taboo topic for a long time, oldies and insensitive people still invalidate feelings of those who actually know what they feel🤷🏻‍♀️


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