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3am ThoughtsThought


no one wants to be with me, and I have hurt the heart of the only girl who wants to be with me. I regret my actions. She is smart, pretty, kind, why do i did that to her. I fucked up.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @looney
Profile picture for Now&Me member @murat_19
4 replies

Talk to her. Apologise.
If she loves you and you are true to yourself, she will listen.

Don’t hold up your feeling, say them aloud to her.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @looney

first of all relax and tell us what happened maybe we can help you fix that okay?


Hey that’s totally fine
She must hear this from your personally
So yk take a step ahead:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @murat_19

Murat @murat_19

Apologies needed by her, fucking go to her dude,if you love her don’t let your ego interfere then…keep it for your friends…just go to her idiot.


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