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No matter how good things are going in my life, I always feel anxious and insufficient, like I’m not good enough. I set goals for myself and even if I achieve 4 out of 5 goals, that 1 failure hits me hard and breaks me down. I feel so tired of this never ending cycle😪

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nova1403
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nova1403

Ramesh N @nova1403

Just accept it.
Seems you always want to be 100% perfect on a circle in your life.

There are people with 5/5 failures, 1/5 failures think about them. In failures you can learn a lot of things.
So get rid of that anxious, enjoy the failure with smile. 😊


You are right. Thanks :)


Bro it’s ok to not to be perfect.
And that’s what goes in life.


Thanks :)


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