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Need an honest opinion, I know people will say that outer beauty doesn’t matter. But will you marry someone who is getting bald, even though you love hair on them so so much. I am stuck 😭😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost


You gotta see more than the hair because we all lose them as we get old? What if you start losing your hair and you marry/ are with a guy/girl with good hair and they don’t have hair fall. Should they leave you?
I am sure you won’t like it either right? Because you’d think they saw more in you than just one physical attribute and there’s hair transplant, and so much these days. And also Vishal dadlani, Raghu Rajeev, Stanley Tuchi, The Rock and so many more are bald out of choice as well and women keep swooning over them. So I guess you need to figure out your priorities and long term ones most of all because if he genuinely loves you, takes care of you, respects you and keeps u happy and you’re questioning everything because of them having no hair then i think that person is better off without you because no one deserves to be judged and selected based on one attribute that too physical. It’s not that physical attractiveness is important for sexual chemistry but at the end of the day, marrige is much more than that because you have to live with each other forever, with their beliefs, their thoughts and habits. So yes while it is a factor, it is very small when it comes to choosing a life partner. People can be good looking as hell and fuck u up in a way it seems impossible to recover from. So idk maybe this triggered something in me or I just couldn’t help but respond to you but that’s solely my opinion and the way I see things, I hope something here is of value to you and incase not and i hope you figure it out and do the best for both of you and be happy and flourish.
Best wishes mate!


Thank you so much for that!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost


You’re always welcome! :)
More power and clear vision to you

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