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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Na me mruthyu Shankaa na me jaathi Bhedhaha,
Pithaa Naiva mai naiva mathaa na janmaha,
Na bandhur na mitram Gurur naiva shishyaha,
Chidhaanandha roopah shivoham shivoham. (Sanskrit)


I am not bound by death and it’s fear, not by caste or creed, I have no father, nor mother, or even birth,
I am not a relative, nor a friend , nor a teacher nor a student, I am the form of consciousness and bliss, am shiva (which is not).

- Adi Shankaracharya

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Well that is good, I find him the best yogi so far. It will be fun reading about him if you haven’t already.

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Haha not ram rahim is what I thought of 😭


Sometimes I really wish I were born on this era and become a yogi or a highly spiritual person living normal life.

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Haha yes I get it just messing around lol.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

So trueeee , being a girl I know it’s difficult for females back in that time , but still being a yogi would make me non different from anyone then, plus if I were born in that era, maternal life would have definitely not been a choice for me for sure.

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Yes I will try that for sure. I really want to visit. Always on my dream list.






How did you come across this


I am exploring spirituality deeply since last year. Came across it 3 years back.


Do you follow anyone


I came across Sadhguru back in 2021 used to follow his procedures which helped me quite a lot and right now dont really following anyone seriously but I just adapt whatever practice I came across which helps me.




Can you tell me something about the practices that you do?


You can chant this mantra that I have posted for 10-15 mins and also you can chant the Mahamantra I.e “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare, hare Ram hare ram ram ram hare hare” or “on namah shivay” for 108 times (one Mala) for Hare Krishna you can purchase a tulsi Mala and for on namah shivay you can purchase a rudraksh Mala (if you cannot afford it for now you can simply go for a mechanical counter).

Pooja (twice a day) :
Sit in mandir and light up a diya every morning and evening, and sit and pray for sometime (you can ask for blessings or just simply relax and focus on Bhakti or smarpan for the lord).
If possible read hanuman chalisa (works wonders). (You can do this twice a day but if not possible then only one time in the morning).

Tratak meditation:

The most beautiful way to meditate and focus. Please remember god is beyond form, shiva or Vishnu is beyond form, no form can limit them.
This meditation starts with lighting a diya and sit in a comfortable position and place the diya infront of you (eye level) as you place it , now stare the flame with all the devotion and focus (think of the flame as a divine itself) stare at it without blinking your eyes, soon your eyes will become watery, now you can close your eyes anytime but only after certain period of time like after 5 or max 10 mins if possible (if your eyes gets too watery or painful during the process so you can blink them in between but only when needed, try to delay blinking as much as possible)
Once you closed your eyes , join your hands in a prayer position and sit like that without moving for another 10-15 mins (keep your eyes shut) this meditation not only will help you with focus but connect you with reality and makes you emotionally strong, also this practice helps with eye sight. If possible do this in the morning around 4-6 am just after waking up. You will see wonders.

Read Bhagavad Geeta:
Bhagavad Geeta is just like a manual for how to live a life. It helps you in detachment, emotional issues and everyday problems a normal person faces. Trust me will help you a lot.


Btw it’s “om “ instead of “on” in om namah shivay

Sorry my bad 😅


Where do you stay


J&k Wbu?




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