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My work colleague and I had been working together for almost 3 months now and feel really close to him. I feel like he’s my very close friend ( we both are males) and enjoy having a friend that I can relate and talk to. I enjoy his jokes and just having someobe to talk and laugh with… But I feel it’s only a one way friendship and he doesn’t consider me as a friend and hurts to know when he doesn’t show the same joy in our friendship that I feel.
One of his best friend showed up at work and we were in the same room and he didn’t even introduce me to him or acknowledged my presence.
I know he just considers me a work colleague and nothing more than that and I need to stop trying my best to get his attention…
Thanks guys for reading …

4 replies

Damn that hurts nah?
But again, if we feel something for someone not necessarily that person needs to feel the same nah?? It’s like ae dil hai mushkil srk.
Sirf mera haq hai uspe.




At workplace, first thing you should not think of anyone as your “friend” and I don’t mean in any rivalry way but in very straight way that they are not your friends.
They come to work to earn and not to be your friend or something. This might be harsh but that other friend of his, that person is his real friend not you or maybe he is more important than you. Don’t expect any such things from colleagues specially. This really hurts


Some people have a prepared mind-set to never befriend anyone at workplace. Maybe he also have that… He shares jokes, laughs with you, but deep down he might have a predefined mindset that he is not going to befriend anyone here


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