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!My teacher fat shamed me!
Okey so for context I’m a tall slim girl, 5’7, with a big bum🤭
So I’m in class and we were going to see pants and needed to take our measures. My friend to my “ass” measure, allá the way around the waist and around the biggest part of your bum and mine was valid. I wrote it down on a paper and when my teacher saw it she goes crazy. Screaming that I did it wrong it could never be that long and that we didn’t listen to her instructions etc. I was pissed like what. So we explained to her that we did it right and she was like again it’s to big bla bla, meaning that we don’t have anybody that big in our class. Like what.
And she said that it could never be right and I was getting offended because I know we did it right. The teacher takes my measurements again and it was ofc right and she was again like it must be wrong bla bla and that she had just once in her life had a student with that measurement, laughing (meaning that the student prob was huge). She was like slicing and being sarcastic saying “oh so now you’re going to be an XL haha” then she took out the like papers to cut out your size and she took the biggest one and said inferir of the whole class that the big one should be mine. She said a lot of conserning things and many people in the class reacted to that and I was so darn close to bawling my eyes out they teared up and my friend supported me😘
Is it just me or did the teacher do wrong?

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Well that isn’t good thing mate did you take any action against the teacher


Maybe your teacher is jealous of your bum


Maybe your teacher is jealous of your big things


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