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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivang2119

Shivang @shivang2119

My taste buds remember how sweet you taste Just like nectar to the bee

My fingers remember every inch of your body
Just like braille to the blind

My lips remember all your kisses Just like dusking sun kiss the sea

My heart will always remember your love Cos with you, every moment
you make me realize
I’m in paradise

                                  -- An Imagination
Profile picture for Now&Me member @itzzkxi
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivang2119
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @itzzkxi

kai @itzzkxi

this is so good ❤️ !

Roymen @men


Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivang2119

Shivang @shivang2119

Thankyou ☺


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