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My sister wants to date my ex boyfriend of 4 years. They both want to date but I feel betrayed. It’s terrible for my mental peace. It’s been 4 years we’ve broken up and they were in touch after the break up. I never approved but they kept talking and meeting behind my back. What should I do.?

5 replies

It must be hurtful


If they both consenting adults, then there’s literally nothing you should do. Your sister must know why you broke up , if she still is dating him she made the choice. So did your ex bf. It’s time you learn to make peace with it too.

Y s @iamalive

That guy sexually assaulted me. I broke up. My sister knows and still wants to date him. Maybe she ignores this fact or she thinks that the guy has changed and made a genuine mistake. 😑


I’m so sorry to hear that. That is so wrong on your part. I honestly don’t know what to say to you.

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