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My school frnds or old classmates are changed
I haven’t seen changes in myself at all…
I just want people notice me and say you changes a lot . Earlier I have not feel bad but now I feel really bad about it.
Idk how to deal with it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivyaberdeenfan
9 replies

Well are you a bad person, are u not happy with yourself? are you doing bad in life? if you answer no then maybe there was no need to change for you. Maybe your a good person to begin with and lifes going good.
people change when there is a need to change, and unless u feel that u should do better there is no need for u to change yourself.


Ok thanks…


I just someone talk 2 me.??are u there.


Hey yeah sorry just saw your message, I kind of feel like your not satisfied with my ans, and now that I reread your as I think what you meant is you wanted to stand out correct? if so then maybe I can give you some more advise


I don’t want to prove myself that I m correct .i just I have lowesteam & under confident problem. Some say u are too innocent in this selfish world.and u shouldn’t be .like that.🌻


how about you try getting out of your comfort zone do something which is new and different. The more new things you do and skills you acquire the better ur confidence and self-esteem will be.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar


If you want to be point of attraction so you have to be convert your self as per other’s expectations but you will not able to keep happy everyone



Profile picture for Now&Me member @ivyaberdeenfan

Hannah @ivyaberdeenfan

i have similar problems myself, AKA Late Bloomer. There’s a video on YouTube called “I Was Made Fun of Being A Late Bloomer” on Storybooth. I’m 14 and look like a 10-year =-old. I’m also short (4’9"). Before COVID-19 rolled around, everyone in my dance class talked about having their periods. But I haven’t had mine yet either(And honestly I DON’T want to). I also want to be flat myself.
Here’s my advice: What do you like to do as a hobby? Embrace or express yourself through your hobby. If you don’t have one, start one. Arts is a good suggestion. take an art class or watch video tutorials. it takes time but before you know it, you’ll be a great artist. I love to to sketch and draw, for example. Before that the only things people noticed about me was that I was “smart” and honestly I don’t really like when people call me that because my peers tend to take advantage of my extra book knowledge. But, I took and art class last school year and I felt super joyous. Do any hobby you wish! It’s all up to you, my friend!


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