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3am ThoughtsThought


My partner brings me immense pain. He doesn’t even know that.

17 replies
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What if is never there to know that? Or when he doesn’t even try to know that?

VRINDA @diyavrinda

Same with me…he doesn’t realize and always makes me feel I did something wrong and he had points to argue and prove and now I start doubting myself

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I did talk to him.


Hmm maybe just write them fully somewhere. Put your heart out in the words you write and then show him. Ask him to read it out. Be vulnerable. Write exactly what you think and what you’re going through. I don’t know how he will react but at least he would know what you feel for sure.

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Anonymous @anonymouzzzz

same with me. Partners usually care about everything but still they dont understand anything. My wife gave me immense pain but she thinks I am happy. Because of the Divorce thing, she left me with nothing but embarrassment. My parents keep taunting me. My siblings taunt me. What else???


I’m sorry to hear that! Hope you will find someone better

Anonymous @anonymouzzzz

I dont need anybody now. I love her.
we separated because she used to miss her ex. i cant do the same with some girl. I, being husband lost her. she was never mine.

I will never do the same with anybody else inthis entire world


Good thoughts.
Hope you find peace with this pain somehow.

Anonymous @anonymouzzzz



Update :
I did talk with him today. In fact, I cried a bit in front of him. I told him what’s going on. He was not aware of the pain I’m going through. He said it’s not something he does intentionally.
He even suggested if I’m facing such difficulties I shouldn’t be with him. For sake of my mental health.

But I don’t know, I don’t wanna leave him.

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Pain of he not understanding me. Me expecting something much from him but he not showing much interest. It’s complicated…

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