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My parents and I haven’t exactly been on the best terms lately.
They literally have a problem with everything I do.
They tell me to stay quiet. I obey, they complain that I’m not being polite enough
They tell me to leave the situation, I do then they complain that I’m extremely moody and arrogant
They tell me to talk, I do and they say I talk to much !
I’m giving up at this point
I want to make them happy and I’ve tried and obeyed whatever they say to me but at this point.
I’m starting to give up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrerowan
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aheadofthecurve
9 replies

Rosy @rosy1

Give them space even family can be toxic sometimes. Stay busy do something you like. Keep patience. Don’t react right away. Words can be more hurtful than actions.


Thank you so much I’ll try to keep myself busy and out of those situations :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrerowan

yoursecondhandt... @andrerowan

Ugh I sadly understand this all too well…
I have come to the conclusion that devoting my life to pleasing them is simply useless because they’ll never be satisfied. I want them to like me as a person and to stop judging me and silencing me and I used to try to obey as much as possible and be the way the want me to be, but when I would reach one point when I thought that they’re finally satisfied, they would come up with other stuff and they would ask for more…
So what I suggest you do is just simply try to satisfy yourself… if you can ignore them when they ask something of you that you’re not okay with, then do it. If you want to do something for yourself that they’re not okay with, make plans and set goals for yourself so that you can do it when you leave their house…
Just focus on yourself and what you want rather than what they want… when you leave their house you’re going to be on your own and you’re going to feel lost because then you won’t have to please anyone and you won’t know what to do with yourself… so yeah… I hope you find the courage to be exactly the way you want to be without caring about their mean and useless comments!


Thanks you so much
It really does hurt sometimes
But I’ll try to focus more on myself then them :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrerowan

yoursecondhandt... @andrerowan

I know it’s hurtful… When you’re trying your best to satisfy these people you absolutely adore and love and they’re never satisfied, and above that, they make you feel terrible too… well… it is what it is
If you ever need more advice or just to vent or something, feel free to message me
Good luck! <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @aheadofthecurve

Dreamer @aheadofthecurve

I think everyone can relate to this , just get a job and get out of your house!


That’s my goal
Right now I just keep myself busy to avoid any further conflict


Dude I feel the same but just do want you want to do never listen to anyone …


Ugh honestly that’s my goal. I’m super indecisive so I get everyone’s opinion and we’ll if I don’t follow my parents there’s conflict but ugh


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