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Sexual HealthThought


My one of my good friend told me to have sex with him because he wants to experience it. And he is even saying to not take emotional feelings in between
What should I do?

6 replies

Do you want to have sex with him? Do you think you can do it witbout emotions flooding inside you?
See, I’ll be honest.
Things may turn awkward, you both might not be able to be around after that. And you say, he is a good friend. Sure, friends with benefits exist. But what’s your case?
At the same time, if both of you are too open minded, then nothing might seem to change much.

Jayesh @jayeshb20

It’s a choice upon u


Do you want to do it , that is important . don’t listen to your friend or boyfriend … just think if you want to do it and it will make you happy -not make you feel guilty .
if you don’t want to do it then just don’t please don’t do it otherwise you will be in the guilt in future ,…
i am sorry but if he is saying “not take emotional feelings in between” then according to me he does not love you that much …(i may be wrong ) but it’s just my thought


you should be answering these questions first
1. do you trust him 100%? not even 99%, we need full trust
2. what does sex mean to YOU? for some people it’s a physical pleasure and that’s it, and for others it’s more about emotions and relationships
3. what about your friendship with the guy after sex?


Don’t do it because it will be regret later…as if he is saying no emotional feeling then definitely its lust that he wants


Dear anonymous, If you are asking this question, then you are already emotional about this situation. Just be true to yourself and your feelings.
Fact - Sex is never casual. It always has some feelings behind it.

Talk to your friend about your feelings and clear them out with him. 🙂🙂


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