My negative self is right I guess after all
I am a loser who doesn’t know how to manage time well, is unhealthy, unhappy, doesn’t have a boyfriend, can’t learn even the basic equations, has deteriorating mental health and just is in the worst possible scenario
I don’t know how so many kids in my class are smarter and sharper in science, but I have turned out to be a fcking loser
Anshuman @ansbis
Saying all this to yourself is a crime against yourself. You are equipped to love yourself and if you can’t do that. Surround yourself with people or atleast be in touch with someone who loves you and values you. This will help you and simultaneously try to love yourself as well. You can do it. Try to stop this self hate train of thoughts.
Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...
1. Recommendation:- read some good books (some mind powering books)
2. Do things that makes you feel shy means overcome your shyness like flirting
(Flirting is something i also feel shy to do)
But when I started doing I felt good
Maybe you should try this
Caridad @almosttheir69
Not Only Am I Feeling Helpless and Hopeless😔…It’s Scaring The BAJEZZIES OUT OF ME. And Now I’m Turning To Apps For Advise😔😔😔