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Physical HealthThought


My mother just got diagnosed with Arthritis. She stays so sad all the time now. She used to be a happy woman, I dont know why this happened with her. She is so low and upset and dull these days.

3 replies

Aarohi @aarohi

Be her strength. She needs that. She might not show it but she does need it.


You will have to be there for her. Support and love her through everything. Be her pillar of strength :)


My mother suffers from the same and I hate to tell you but it’s not really curable. Although it can be maintained , tell her consult an orthopedic on what exercise she should and shouldn’t do . You’ll have to be there for her , waiting for her while she walks slow or applying ointment to her joints , little things like that will make her happy . I hope she gets better . Sending all the love and positive vibes your way :)


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