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my mother is just crossing her limits always telling me that I’m not worth anything that she never loved me always yelling at me for no reason comparing me with people who are better than me sometimes I feel like I wanna end everything she says always use abusive language I tried to talk to her but she just not ready to listen. once she said she needs some time it’s been a month I tried to talk to her today and the result was the same I ended up fighting with her. it’s like she never wanted me I tried to talk to my dad about it he said that she needs some time I don’t know what to do. I don’t hate her it’'s just I want her to understand that I also need some privacy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nupur888
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nupur888

idk @nupur888

Give her some time then…she might be having some other tensions or stress…i hope your relation with your mom gets healthy❤


Oh no, that’s horrible! So much suffering . . . it certainly explains, though, why you feel so broken . . .

Believe it or not, neurologically speaking, your brain cannot differentiate between physical harm and emotional harm. As far as it’s concerned they’re both one and the same.

This means that the more unhealthy things get for you the more you’ll struggle with daily tasks and living in general until, one day, it all finally just falls apart . . .

As acknowledged in ancient wisdom, “A crushed spirit saps one’s strength." -Proverbs 17:22


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