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Domestic AbuseThought

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My mother is a victim of domestic violence (psychological abuse) by my father and his family. She is still married to him. Today her cousin brother said to her that my father is a good human being who is taken for granted by my mother and said that he is a straight forward man. I am numb. My mom.grew up with this cousin

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Yeah. But they knew everything

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Nopes. They have barely met him. No financial help


They feel that my mother is responsible for her abuse

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I told my mom, that the next time her asshole relatives say anything to her, she should hand the phone over to me and I will give them a piece of my mind.


I told my mother to give the phone to me, the next time someone says something like that

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It’s horrid man. They grew up together. Imagine having so much hate for your close relative that you justify her trauma


If it doesn’t hurt you, would you explain what psychological abuse is


My father along with his family kept body shaming my mother, verbally abusing her and her parents, didn’t give her enough to eat. When she was pregnant, they kept picking on her and told her that they would irritate her so much that she would have a miscarriage. My mother fled from that house and took shelter with my grandparents. My father and his parents then filed a case against her accusing her of adultery and said that she hadn’t been living with them so they didn’t know whose kid she was carrying. They would send such open letters at my mother’s house and at her office. My mother won the case obviously. Then she found our that my dad was having an affair with another woman (not his first time) and when she confronted him, he simply told her that it was her fault since she had left home. Btw my father never hit my mother. This is psychological abuse

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I’m so sorry


Because we live in India. Things aren’t very good for divorced moms


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