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My mother in law comes for festivals and she stays for about 15 to 20 days, everythings fine but she always stays beside my husband, where ever he is she is there, and she wants to accompany us everywhere, i dont get to even talk freely with my husband when she is there, even in the night she doesn’t like it if we close our bedroom door, she keeps knocking, she doesn’t give us any space,i feel very frustrated, my husband feels annoyed too but he doesnt tell her fearing she will get hurt, iam thinking of speaking to her and tell her…should i?

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My husband is the only child, so she is very attached to him, and she comes from village background, so she doesnt understand the concept of giving space to a couple…


I don’t think that she doesn’t know the concept about giving free space to couple because everyone knows that couple like to spend time with each other and when she was young and I hope she also had spend time with her husband so, I think she is doing something because after a long time she is meeting her son and as you said she is very much attached to her son so, she doesn’t let him go away even for a second… don’t know I hope she will also understand about situation gradually


Hope so, i will see for some more time, then try to talk to her politely…


I think talking to her about these by you is not a great idea according to me…now it’s your life so, you are 100% potent to take any decision


If she comes for one festival I guess you can sacrifice you space for once in yr.


She comes for every festival…


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