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Anger IssuesThought


My mom is always stressing me out. I have to have the best grades and shit and im tired of it. I just want to yell " Bro shut up im not perfect" Like im so tired of it. I know she loves me but why cant she just leave me the fuck alone. 😡😤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused

Issy @lostandconfused

I feel you, my parents ask what my least favourite lesson is and I said science and they were like oh Issy that’s not good! And they lectured me about how important it is to get good grades that they’ve told me about 1000000 times, I was like for fuck sake with you putting pressure on me I’ll just do worst so shut the fuck up, well I wanted to say that anyways
Anyways I can’t rlly help, sorry but I hope it helps that you know your not alone! You learn at your own pace your parents can’t change that
Love you xxxxxxxx


omg thank you so much! like its so hard to deal with.

Love you lots xxxxxxx


Firstly she’s your mom, she always needs the best for you so that you grow up to be the best one ever. It makes every mother proud.
I understand how you feel, but do we have a choice? NO
Rather we can just do things as she says and freaking make her proud and happy


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