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ā€ŗAnger Issuesā€ŗThought

harshitha @rohini1234

My mom in law is trying to control me and interfering in my personal matters she is taking control of my childā€¦ I feel like she will take my child away from me. Please give me advance how to handle thisā€¦

Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @andrewjude

Andrew Jude W @andrewjude


Talk to youā€™re husband about this, but also see to that he does not take it in the wrong way like, donā€™t phrase it in such a way that he might think that you donā€™t like his mother or you want the mother and the son seperated because thatā€™s what many people think these days.

harshitha @rohini1234


I spoke to him in many ways. Every time I talk about this he will start arguing with me and never leave me to talk šŸ˜¢


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